
Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas 1-0 Deportivo Los Caimanes

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Sunday, 14 may 2017 21:30

Match Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas-Deportivo Los Caimanes, start at 13 May 21:00.H2H Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas Deportivo Los CaimanesBefore the match, Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas is ranked 8 in the table, while Deportivo Los Caimanes is located on the 9 place. You can compare both teams on website: H2H Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas Deportivo Los Caimanes.

The result in the previous match both teams: 1:2. Match result: won Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas

Last matches Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas:
Direct matches:
14 aug 2016, Segunda Division
25 nov 2016, Segunda Division
03 sep 2017, Segunda Division
01 jul 2018, Segunda Division
14 oct 2018, Segunda Division
25 aug 2019, Segunda Division
08 nov 2019, Segunda Division

Santa Rosa de Andahuaylas

Deportivo Los Caimanes

Substitute players:
# Team G PTS W D L G+ G- GD

*Table are updated live