
FC Santa Coloma B 3-2 F.C. Lusitans B

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Sunday, 16 december 2012 13:00

On 16 Dec 13:00 is scheduled match FC Santa Coloma B-F.C. Lusitans B. If you want to check statistics both teams check this site: Before the match, FC Santa Coloma B is ranked 3 in the table, while F.C. Lusitans B is located on the 2 place.

The result in the previous match both teams: 2:2. Match result: draw

Last matches FC Santa Coloma B:
Last matches F.C. Lusitans B:
Direct matches:
04 mar 2012, 2. Division
09 oct 2011, 2. Division
12 may 2013, 2. Division
20 oct 2013, 2. Division
15 nov 2015, 2. Division
10 apr 2016, 2. Division
18 sep 2010, 2. Division
20 nov 2010, 2. Division
16 oct 2016, 2. Division
12 feb 2017, 2. Division

FC Santa Coloma B

F.C. Lusitans B

Substitute players:
# Team G PTS W D L G+ G- GD

*Table are updated live