
Kristiansund BK 2 3-0 Traeff

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Sunday, 03 august 2008 12:00

On 03 Aug 16:30 is scheduled match Kristiansund BK 2-Traeff. If you want to check statistics both teams check this site: Before the match, Kristiansund BK 2 is ranked 9 in the table, while Traeff is located on the 2 place. Kristiansund BK 2 in the previous match they lost to Surnadal (3:2).

Traeff in the last game beat Eidsvaag (2:4).

The result in the previous match both teams: 4:0. Match result: won Traeff

Last matches Kristiansund BK 2:
Last matches Traeff:
Direct matches:
20 aug 2006, 3. Division Avdeling 1
29 apr 2007, 3. Division Avdeling 1
12 aug 2007, 3. Division Avdeling 1
22 apr 2008, 3. Division Avdeling 1
26 jun 2009, 3. Division Avdeling 1
05 oct 2009, 3. Division Avdeling 1
25 apr 2010, 3. Division Avdeling 1
09 aug 2010, 3. Division Avdeling 1
26 apr 2018, 3. Division Avdeling 1
20 aug 2018, 3. Division Avdeling 1

Kristiansund BK 2


Substitute players:
# Team G PTS W D L G+ G- GD

*Table are updated live