
Smedby AIS 2-2 Vaermbols FC

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Monday, 01 august 2016 18:00

On 01 Aug 18:00 is scheduled match Smedby AIS-Vaermbols FC. If you want to check statistics both teams check this site: Smedby AIS in the previous match they lost to Motala AIF FK (3:1).

Vaermbols FC in the last game beat IF Sylvia (2:1).

Previous match both teams ended: won Vaermbols FC (3:1)

Last matches Smedby AIS:
Last matches Vaermbols FC:
Direct matches:
10 apr 2016, 2. Division Norra Götaland
14 aug 2011, 2. Division Norra Götaland
16 jun 2013, 2. Division Norra Götaland
12 aug 2013, 2. Division Norra Götaland
21 apr 2014, 2. Division Norra Götaland
27 jun 2014, 2. Division Norra Götaland
05 jun 2021, 2. Division Norra Götaland
09 oct 2021, 2. Division Norra Götaland
10 apr 2022, 2. Division Norra Götaland
22 jun 2022, 2. Division Norra Götaland

Smedby AIS

Vaermbols FC

Substitute players:
# Team G PTS W D L G+ G- GD

*Table are updated live