
Assyriska IF Norrkoeping 2-2 Arameiska-Syrianska IF

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Sunday, 14 august 2011 14:00

On 14 Aug 14:00 is scheduled match Assyriska IF Norrkoeping-Arameiska-Syrianska IF. If you want to check statistics both teams check this site: Assyriska IF Norrkoeping in the previous match they lost to Nykoepings BIS (2:1).

Arameiska-Syrianska IF in the previous match they lost to Vaermbols FC (0:1).

The result in the previous match both teams: 0:1. Match result: won Assyriska IF Norrkoeping

Last matches Assyriska IF Norrkoeping:
Last matches Arameiska-Syrianska IF:
Direct matches:
05 may 2016, 2. Division Norra Götaland
12 jun 2011, 2. Division Norra Götaland
26 may 2013, 2. Division Norra Götaland
31 aug 2013, 2. Division Norra Götaland
21 aug 2016, 2. Division Norra Götaland
25 may 2019, 2. Division Norra Götaland
07 sep 2019, 2. Division Norra Götaland
15 aug 2020, 2. Division Norra Götaland

Assyriska IF Norrkoeping

Arameiska-Syrianska IF

Substitute players:
# Team G PTS W D L G+ G- GD

*Table are updated live